Monday, February 14, 2011


Cimino vascular access (fistula) is the most recommended yag access for hemodialysis patients. Cimino vascular access is functioning properly will have an effect on adequacy of dialysis. Some of the tips below can help patients access care for hemodialysis vaskularnya to keep functioning well for long periods of time.

Make sure the area around the access always clean. Wash with antibacterial soap before it is used for dialysis therapy.
Kommunikasikan with the medical team access if you feel warm, reddish colored, pus, or you suffer from fever.
Learn the vibration and hum a distinctive voice in your access. The change in vibras or buzzing in your access may indicate a blockage that disrupt blood flow in your cimino access.
Avoid any pressure on cimino access during sleep.
Train your cimino access using a rubber ball for a strong increase blood flow.
Do not do blood pressure checks in hand, where access cimino located.
Do not overload cimino hand, where access is to lift objects - objects that are too heavy.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tips for Preventing Nausea and Vomiting Due to Chemotherapy

Prevent nausea and vomiting is very important for patients who will undergo chemotherapy, nausea and vomiting often occur simultaneously at the time of patients receiving chemotherapy. Nausea is the uncomfortable feeling that was felt in the mouth behind the (esophagus) and in both the stomach followed by vomiting or not the process. Vomiting is a process of forcible discharge of gastric contents through the mouth.
How chemotherapy can cause nausea and vomiting in patients, the following is an illustration of nausea & vomiting in patients receiving chemotherapy:
"Drugs given chemotherapy will enter the bloodstream and damage the cells that are actively dividing them is the inner lining of the small intestine. Tues lining the small intestine is damaged it will release a chemical that binds to serotonin 5-HT3 receptor found on cells nerves in the intestinal wall, bonding is a message that the nerve cells are transmitted to the brain, which then conveyed the message subsequent to the vomiting center so that the wall of abdominal muscle contractions and there was encouraged to vomit "
Type - type of nausea Acute:

Throw up
Occurred a few minutes to several hours after chemotherapy, especially in patients who have a history of nausea & vomiting

Occurs 1-5 days after chemotherapy and this event depends on the type of chemotherapy used, prevention can be done by giving anti-emetics, best done on the first day of chemotherapy

Nausea & Vomiting Traumatic
Occurs due to a history of nausea and vomiting in previous chemotherapy, the patient will usually sensitive to odors, thoughts or see related to experience nausea and vomiting before, so the blaze back vomiting before getting chemotherapy,
Tips for Preventing Nausea and Vomiting
1. If you feel hungry before chemotherapy, choose snacks that are low fat content
2. Avoid dehydration, it is recommended to drink 6-8 glasses a day with mineral water / juice
3. Avoid drinks and alcohol bercafein
4. After getting chemotherapy, try to eat enough
5. Increase calorie foods, you can also take additional supplements
6. Avoid fatty foods
7. Avoid smells that could trigger a sharp character vomiting
8. If you will break after a meal, set the position of the head a little higher

Beware ... Nasopharyngeal cancer symptom Flu-like symptoms Ordinary!!!!

Beware of those that often have symptoms of flu, because many people do not realize the symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer because the symptoms are just like the common cold symptoms. In Indonesia, nasopharyngeal cancer (part of the pharynx or throat) is the number 4 terganas cancer after cancer of the uterus, breast and skin.
Nasopharyngeal cancer or also known as ENT cancer is a disease caused by malignant cells (cancer) and is formed in the nasopharyngeal tissue, which is part of the pharynx or throat. This cancer most often occurs in the ENT (ear nose throat), head and neck.
According to Dr. Budianto Komari, Sp.THT of Otolaryngology KSMF Dharmais Cancer Hospital, nasopharyngeal cancer is difficult to diagnose in early stages because they do not have typical symptoms, so often make the wrong diagnosis of cancer.
Early symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer among others epitaksis (bleeding nose or a nosebleed) light, nasal congestion, ringing in the ears next, diplopi (double vision or there are two shadows), and there are no lumps in neck pain.
Nasopharyngeal cancer is caused by several risk factors include exposure to Epstein-Barr virus. Epstein-Barr Virus in fact there are many everywhere, even in free air. It's just that not all will become cancerous, this virus will remain 'asleep' in the nasopharynx, if not triggered by certain factors.
Trigger factors active Epstein-Barr virus, among others:1. Genetic. Mongoloid race was recorded at most nasopharyngeal cancer because it has a certain gene.2. Unhealthy way of life, as is often affected by pollution, smog, cigarette smoke, alcohol.3. How to eat unhealthy, such as frequently eating salted fish, smoked or preserved food fermentation, and cooking with wood.4. Jobs and religious. People working in factories that a lot of gas and chemical industries, iron smelting, formaldehyde, wood dust. And religious activities such as incense and incense.
According to Dr. Budi, nasopharyngeal cancer is cancer that can be treated. These cancers are sensitive to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, so the possibility of very large recover can be diagnosed from the beginning.
Beware of symptoms resemble the common cold, especially if the person had descendants who suffer from cancer or often undergo an unhealthy lifestyle!


Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells (grown very fast and uncontrolled), infiltrate, suppress the body tissue so as to affect organ function. There are more than 100 types of cancer are unknown. The most common is breast cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer. find out information about various cancers, symptoms, treatment options, and other things that need to be public knowledge is very important. Including on how to live with cancer.
What is CHEMOTHERAPY? Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer with chemicals (drugs). Chemotherapy aims to stop the growth of cancer cells that are not controlled, to kill or prevent the cancer cells spread to other places.

Environmental Impact on Health

According to the World Health Organization didefinikan healthy as a "state of" well-being "(Oh no I difficulty translating this word delicious what?) Whether physical, mental and social development and do not suffer from the disease.
So a healthy smile is a smile that is caused by the condition of "well being" physically, mentally and socially. According to Blum's theory, there are 4 factors that influence health. Environment plays the biggest, heredity and lifestyle occupies the same position and the last new health care portions 1 / 4 of the environment.
Now an example of environmental causes tremendous impact is, Minamata disease in Japan due to mercury contamination, and then in Eastern Europe some brain cancer last year were the highest since cerenobhyl exploded, and lung cancer in Alaska due to smoke ...
In Indonesia, which is roughly what would happen after a disaster in the Sidoarjo mudflow and flood in jakarta? Dengue Fever, Fever typoid usually unison together like this flood season
so let us create a comfortable and clean environment, so that our health is also guaranteed ...

Kind Of Sickness.... !!!

Types of diseases suffered by humans is very diverse. There is a disease caused from inside the human body or from outside the human body such as the failure of organ function, bacteria, germs, toxins, viruses, fungi, or ancestry.

Why do we need to know the various types of diseases?

Knowing the various types of diseases is very important for us in order to prevent the occurrence of disease or may be anticipated when looking at the symptoms or even a particular disease. In addition, we recommend, we also know the causes of disease and symptoms that appear when contracting a disease.
Types of diseases suffered by humans is very diverse. There is a disease caused from inside the human body or from outside the human body such as the failure of organ function, bacteria, germs, toxins, viruses, fungi, or ancestry.

Why do we need to know the various types of diseases?

Knowing the various types of diseases is very important for us in order to prevent the occurrence of disease or may be anticipated when looking at the symptoms or even a particular disease. In addition, we recommend, we also know the causes of disease and symptoms that appear when contracting a disease.